Unique, Quality Products made by an Artist for Artists

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Inspired by David Kassan’s Parallel Palette, the Aero-Trek Vertical Palette. Many artists love painting with a vertical palette because the light falling on the canvas is the same light that falls on the mixing area. It is easier to see if what you’re mixing will work for what you want on the canvas.

Options will include:

  • Various sizes, small, medium, and large.

  • A removable paint tray on top making it easier to clean the palette and/or store your paints in a refrigerator.

  • A cover for the paint tray to keep dust out.

  • Can be used with a tripod or attached to your easel.

  • Magnetized areas along the sides for palette knives and glass scrapers.

  • Easily removable glass palette: change to wood or plexiglass if desired, change underlayment paper for various colored mixing backgrounds.

Artist Daniel Sprick uses his Aero-Trek Vertical Palette during a demonstration for his Patreon class.

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